Kartik's take on Articleship

               " ARTICLE ON ARTICLESHIP "

( Disclaimer : Don't read it if you haven't been on articleship , and readers are advised to have their personal discretion over every sentence  )

C.A , the course of darers rather than doers And Articleship is it's soul ,a journey of mix of all types of feelings in the world i.e [ happiness, sadness, frustration, tension , enjoyment, learning ,dissappointments , anger, eagerness , and many more still discovering from lots of expereince of all my article friends].
Every IPCC "passers" are very much excited about articleship , and why shouldn't be they . It feels good to hear that we will be going to join office and be a part of corporate world but the facts surpasses all reality.

World's only self serving learning internship , and when i say it i mean it. Yes if you think that someone will come and teach you How to do it? Then my friend you are misunderstood. You have to teach your self and the firm is just responsible to provide you the right platform with other supporting's. Not every chartered firm is blessed with a Teacher instead only Principal. I myself have surpassed such situation of Contrasting Dilemma last one year, And found that I have to push myself to the upfront if i want someone to act as guiding light and trust me the Silver Linning of learning lies out there.

Talking about my articleship , few days back on 9/9/14 it celebrated completion of 1st year (Metaphorical Celebration). Talking about 1st year , one thing takes me to nostagic days of school when the principal use to threaten us by taking the name of T.C [Transfer Certificate], Today i came to know that how time can change the meaning of so many words. Today taking tranfer is a challenge from your principal to a lot reading this article. My condolences to those who wants and are struggling.

During Articleship, if few non-curable issues such as Stipend, Holidays, Reimbursement and Transfer are seen from different view, Can engrave us with some high quality values. Let me explain HOW?
Low stipend can teach us the value of money, Afterall who should better know the value of a penny other than a Future C.A. Less holidays will make us more sincere and punctual  towards our work and will teach us Time management. Low or sometime No reimbursement will teach us how to face Financial crisis and learn about the art of fund management , After all there are things like family and most important upcoming family which we have to manage too. And last but not the least the Transfer problem, this can teach us the greatest art of all , the art of Sticking at one place just like all Indian Men. [You can relate to it].

Keeping aside everything , If you ask me what are the auditing mantras i have learned is then i would say, Keep in record everything you do. Atlast you'll be held responsible for every SHIT, so better prepare excel SHEET for every BIT you do.

Concluding here wouldn't be justifiable , but there is no scope for justice to article's even . Ending on a contrasting note from Rabindra Nath Tagore sung by Shri Amitabh Bachhan " Jodi torr daak sune kaew na aashe , tobe ekla cholo re "  have it on ur juke box , helps a lot.

Thanking You
Kartik Agarwal
Contact- 091-8900391290